Friday, 19 September 2008

Space and Social Value

Lefebvre, Henri (1979). "Space: Social Product and Use Value", in J.W. Freiberg(ed.), Critical Sociology: European Perspective. New York: Irvington. pp.285-295.

Is space a social relation? Yes, certainly, but is is iherent in the relation of property (the owenership of land, in cparticular), it is also linked to the productive forces that fashion this land, Space is permeated with social realtions; it is not only supported by social relations, but it also is producing and produced by social relations.-286

Sapce as a whole enters into the modernized mode of capitalist production: it is utilized to produce surplus value. The ground, the underground, the air, and even the light enter into both the productive forces and the products. The urban fabric, with its multiple networks of communication and exchange, is part od the means of production. The city and its various installations(ports, train stations, etc.) are part of capital.-287

Abstact space reveals its oppressive and repressive capacities in relation to time. It rejects time as an abstation - except when it concerns work, the producer of things and of surplus value. Time is reduced to constraints of space: schedules, runs, crossings, loads.-287

Space is a use value, but even more so is time to which it is intimately linked because time is our life, our fundamental use value. Time has disappeared in the social space of modernity. Lived time loses form and social interest except for the time of work. Economic space subordinates time, whereas political space eradicates it because it is threatening to existing power relations. The primacy of the economic, and still more, of the political, leads to the supremac of space over time.-291

The words like below don't appear in this article
"Space is not one of objects, it contains objects, the relationship of object juxtaposition. Space is a result of an operation set, and can not be reduced to one object."

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